The Snakes attacking to people and enemies
Snakes are living in everywhere like: Home,Forest,Rice Fields,and another places as it could be. Snake’s bodies like eel body but the snake hasn’t smooth body like eel and eel isn’t live without muddy or water because its body is really thin not like the snake’s body. Snake has a thickness body and it can live in dry place or wet place not like the eel can live only the wet place. Snake has venom to bite or fight the enemies. The boy has bitten by snake and he was killing while he was sending to hospital too slow because he was bitten in the forest and anybody can control him. So, you must be careful of snakes around your home or other places too much as your protection. Sometimes snake get in your home by the holes in the corners of your home. It’s real thing like I told you. Many people are around the world is almost bites by the snakes some people are dying or some people are on Emergency room. And I have ever fight by the snake, because at the night I can’t see everything around me so I couldn’t see the snake when It tries to fight, that I got hospital by my family too fast. My parents are crying and praying on me. and I have rescued from the doctor. From that day. Since that day I have secured on my own when I getting out at night. The Snake is a second beats in the forest than we think. Now you should get a watching in the video now :
The Snakes attacking to people and enemies
Reviewed by Unknown
8:00 AM
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